The No Interest Loan Scheme helps you access safe and affordable credit for all of your families essential items and more. There are no fees or charges ever!
Who we help
Everyone who has a health Care Card/pension card or earns less than $70,000 per year (gross). Or $100,000 per year gross for couples. If you have experienced family and domestic violence in the past 10 years your income can exceed these thresholds. You must demonstrate capacity and evidence that you can afford to re-pay the loan without financial hardship.
How we help
Contact our team to apply or call your local CCNT office. You will need to show ID, proof of income and expenses and bring quotes for the items you wish to obtain with your NILS loan (or you can get these later). There are no credit checks but we do review your income and expenses to ensure the loan is affordable. The application process is private, comfortable and friendly.
What you can use NILS for
Household items like whitegoods and furniture, technology like a phone or laptop, car repairs and registration including new tyres, medical and dental, housing and educational.
How much can you borrow?
Up to $2000 for essential goods and services listed above and up to $3000 if your loan includes bond, rent in advance, rates or costs associated with a natural disaster.
Funded by
This service is brought you by CatholicCare NT in partnership with Good Shepherd and NAB and funded by Department of Social Services.