We provide EAP to employees of the Catholic School System.
We also provide EAP for other organisations.
How we help
We provide counselling and group work to support wellbeing in the workplace. If there is a critical incident, we can provide a response in the form of debriefing and this may be done one to one or within a group context.
What is the referral process?
For the Catholic School system, referrals can be made by staff themselves or referred by someone within the Catholic School System.
Organisations such as ACCESS Sydney may refer to our EAP or individuals or employers may refer into the program by contacting CatholicCare NT.
Is there a cost?
No fee is charged for Catholic Education Office clients as this program is funded.
For the more general EAP a fee with the referring organisation may be negotiated and agreed on or for individuals who self-refer a fee can be charged according to a sliding scale. This fee may be waived at times of financial hardship.