Last year my human thought it would be a good idea for me to come to work with her. I used to live and work in Victoria on a farm. Sometimes I would round up sheep and other times I would sit in the office at home with my human and with people that appreciated pupper cuddles and playing fetch. My sister and my humans moved to the Northern Territory three and a half years ago. I really like it up here, though sometimes I don’t play as much as I did in Victoria as it gets very humid here. One time I was so tired I even fell asleep with the ball in my mouth!
When we first moved here I mostly stayed at home with my sister. Last year my human mumbled something about a clinical governance process and now being able to take me to work with her in a trial period. I wasn’t really sure what she meant by that. Anyway, I hadn’t worked out of an office at a work site before, so it took me a few times of visiting before it felt like home. My human also said I had to visit the vet for a check. She stated this was so other people knew I had an awesome personality. They should’ve asked me, cause I could’ve told them that! I also had to do some exams to make sure I could do lots of different things when asked and that I was ok in lots of different situations. I wasn’t sure why I had to do these exams, but my human seemed to think it was important and mumbled something about quality of service.
Anyway, all I know is that I love going to work on Mondays and Thursdays. I get to meet lots of people, have cuddles, play fetch and generally have an awesome time hanging out with my human and the people she meets. I love getting to know the people I meet and am happy to go and meet them at reception when they come in to see me. My human says they’re really here to see her. But I think they’re actually really here to see me and she just happens to be here too. We don’t have to tell her that though. It was nice to tell you a little bit about me and the things I do at work.
Playing fetch is my favourite thing and I’m always happy to have a pat.