CatholicCare NT is committed to the safety of women and
children. This includes addressing the
behaviour of the men who perpetrate violence against their partners.
What is the ‘Men’s Behaviour Change’ program?
Our program runs for 24 weeks and enrols men who have been the perpetrators in violent relationships. The positive changes the men make are monitored and evaluated. The input is consistent, non-judgemental and continuously supportive.
The program consults partnering programs which are providing
services to women and children. This is to assist in providing for the safety
of everyone involved. We are flexible and seek input from other people and
organisations providing services to women and children to help us get positive
results for everybody involved.
Individuals are treated with consideration. Each is valued
for their participation in a positive, empowering environment. Those that enrol
in this program want to see the change in themselves, and we work hard with
them to achieve results.
Each receives case management to assist them in dealing with
both day to day and long-term issues. Straight away we will look to address the
barriers that might prevent them from seeking and gaining assistance, for
example, drug use, dependence on medication or alcohol addiction. We then work
closely with people to overcome these obstacles and bring about change.
Initially, the program will run in Darwin. It is planned to expand
the service to the communities on Tiwi and Wadeye.
Why should I refer myself or someone I know?
By working with perpetrators in a safe, non-judgemental environment, we create safer communities and future relationships. Through managing and evaluating behaviour, we can help individuals understand their destructive patterns, change it, and assist them to live a non-abusive and non-violent life.
When men begin to acknowledge their violent behaviour and
seek to change it, we can increase the safety of women and children.
How does the program work with women and children?
The safety of women and children is the primary goal of the program. All program outcomes have, at their core, the aim of increasing their security.
Via a Women’s Safety Worker their voice plays a key role in
developing the program for each individual. Our program is flexible and
practical which ensures that each unique situation is dealt with appropriately
to get the best outcomes for all involved.
Program participants do not need high levels of literacy to
participate. If someone needs to repeat parts of the program or all of it, they
can do so. Each person is different, and we will work with them for as long as
they need, to help change their behaviour.
CatholicCare NT work with perpetrators because everybody is entitled to the opportunity to change their behaviour. If a program participant achieves his goals, the lives of others also become changed. If you think we can help you, or someone you know, contact us on 08 8944 2000 or