People receiving Aged Care services and their families/carers.
The Aged Care Advocate can provide information to people receiving aged care services, about their rights and responsibilities in relation to aged care services and supports them to be involved in decisions that affect their life.
Contact the office and ask to speak to the Aged Care Advocate
This is a free service
** Remote and outreach services are available upon request
We work in partnership with communities to deliver culturally appropriate programs and services
Alcohol and drugs misuse can affect anyone in the community. Our remote AOD program provides culturally appropriate support for people that are affected by AOD misuse.
We help individuals and families affected by AOD misuse.
Our services are informed by the local community to ensure they are culturally appropriate and reflect community need.
This is a free service.
Northern Territory Government
We can help you improve your financial situation, manage your money and build resilience
We can help to either establish or maintain a tenancy and strengthen social and community integration.
We can help you address mental health concerns, build resilience and strengthen relationships
The Alekarenge Family Centre provides culturally appropriate education and care service. The Centre is dedicated to improving children’s early learning and wellbeing outcomes.
The Centre provides support for all families by caring for their children in a safe, supervised environment that supports development and education.
We provide education and care for non-school aged children from Ali Curung community. Childcare activities focus on social, emotional and cultural development, as well as creative learning and early communication and language skills.
Yes, families pay according the CCS system according to income and activity hours. This cost may be waived if families are experiencing hardship.
Northern Territory Government Dept of Education and Training
The Community Development Program (CDP) is a remote employment and community development service. It helps eligible job seekers to build skills, find work and stay employed.
This program helps Aboriginal community members from communities across South East Alice Springs.
We work with job seekers, families and communities to help job seekers gain and maintain employment. We provide training and education to help participants find local employment. We help to address barriers to work including language, literacy and numeracy skills, substance abuse and health issues. CatholicCare NT partners with Atyenhenge-Atherre Aboriginal Corporation
in delivering this service.
Australian Government Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
Our DFV programs range from prevention through to victim and perpetrator support, with the aim of keeping people safe and improving wellbeing
We can help you improve your financial situation, manage your money and build resilience
We can help to either establish or maintain a tenancy and strengthen social and community integration.
This service provides safe and culturally responsive, managed accommodation with approximately 190 beds, and includes meals and ancillary services. The Crerar centre is a secure facility and an alcohol and drug free environment.
Who we help
We can help Aboriginal people and families travelling to Darwin from remote communities to seek medical and other essential services.
How we help
We will help you to ensure your general care and wellbeing needs are met which can include being aware of appointments, return home travel arrangements and providing referrals to other relevant services. People requiring ongoing, long term renal dialysis treatment in Darwin are accommodated on a longer term basis.
What is the referral process?
Referrals can be made through the Patient Assistance Travel Scheme (PATS), government and non-government service providers and people can contact CatholicCare NT.
Is there a cost?
There is a nominal fee for people who book direct.
Being a victim of crime can affect your mental health and wellbeing. The Crime Victims Counselling Service provides counselling and support for people affected by crime. We make sure victims have the resources and support they need to move on with their lives.
We can help people who are the victim of a crime or who witness a crime. We can also help relatives and close friends of a victim.
Our counselling service is tailored to the needs of each client. Clients are entitled to up to eight clinical counselling sessions. Counselling can be face-to-face, by telephone or in a group setting.
We can assist with:
• Information and advice about the legal process and your rights
• Applications for compensation.
• Referrals to other support services
• Community education and training
People can refer themselves to this program. Service providers (including GPs and agencies) can also make referrals.
Call 1800 899 855 (free call) to make a referral.
This is a free service.
Northern Territory Government
*Remote and outreach services are available upon request
We work in partnership with communities to deliver culturally appropriate programs and services
We are here to listen to you and help you through life when times get tough
We can help you address mental health concerns, build resilience and strengthen relationships
The Elders Visiting Program provides Elders the opportunity to participate in a prisoner’s preparation for release. Elders and community members can participate in mediated discussions with offenders in preparation for their release and return to community.
We help Elders to engage with community members and stakeholders. We help to facilitate conversations with community members and offenders that allow them to reach a decision.
Northern Territory Government
Our DFV programs range from prevention through to victim and perpetrator support, with the aim of keeping people safe and improving wellbeing
We can help you improve your financial situation, manage your money and build resilience
We can help to either establish or maintain a tenancy and strengthen social and community integration.
Gambling and My Community is a program designed alongside NT communities to tackle the harm caused by gambling. The program aims to build education on the warning signs of problem gambling, reduce shame and stigma talking about problem gambling, and help individuals and families to better access support services.
Who we help
We help communities, individuals and families affected by the emotional and financial harm caused by gambling.
How we help
Our services are informed by the local community to ensure they are culturally appropriate and reflect community need.
What is the referral process?
Contact you local CatholicCare NT office
Is there a cost?
This is a free service
Funded by
Northern Territory Government
Jipingdila Early Learning Centre is located at Milikapiti at Melville Island. The centre is open from 8:00am – 4:00pm daily. We offer up to 15 children a day as our capacity. The centre provides culturally appropriate education and care environment that offers plenty of space for children to explore, discover, experiment in both natural and structural environment.
We have one large room in the centre with an area for babies, a quite book corner, areas with dinosaurs, wooden blocks, creativity and other available resources for children to choose from. The area is also designed for children to have a choice of an indoor or an outdoor activity and to allow a flow of children to participate in any activity of their choice.
The areas are appropriately organised with the intent to encourage children to explore their interests, curiosity and to encourage sharing and play together. We focus closely on children and their family’s needs by working together.
We believe Play-based Learning is important to a child’s development of social and emotional skills, language development of Tiwi language and English, and supporting children’s ability to develop positive relationships with peers and positive role modelling from their Elders, Parents and Community.
The Centre provides support for all families by caring for their children in a safe, welcoming, stimulating, supporting and supervised environment that supports development and education.
By establishing mutually respectful partnerships between families and educators.
Following our orientation process families are encouraged to stay and ask questions about the centre or obtain any help that they may need with the enrolment form or Information.
This is followed up by inviting families to be involved in the day-to-day life of their children when they are at the centre.
Yes, families pay according to their CCS system. The Child Care Subsidy will be paid directly to providers to be passed on to families as a fee reduction. Families will make a co-contribution to their childcare fees and pay to the provider the difference between the fee charged and the subsidised amount. This cost may be waived if families are experiencing hardship.
Northern Territory Government Department of Education and Training
Jirnani early Learning Centre is located at Lot 407 Bathurst Highway, Wurrumiyanga at Bathurst Island. The centre is open from 8:00am – 4:00pm daily. The centre provides culturally appropriate education and a care environment that offers plenty of space for children to explore, discover, experiment in both natural and structural environment.
We have under 2’s and under 5’s rooms in the centre where children get to engage with their own age group as well with others. We focus closely on children’s and their family needs and work together to achieve the same outcomes.
We believe Play-based Learning is important to a child’s development of social and emotional skills, language development of Tiwi language and English, and supporting children’s ability to develop positive relationships with peers and positive role modelling from their Elders, Parents and Community.
The Centre provides support for all families by caring for their children in a safe, welcoming, stimulating, supporting and supervised environment that supports development and education.
By establishing mutually respectful partnerships between families and educators.
Following our orientation process families are encouraged to stay and ask questions about the centre or obtain any help that they may need with the enrolment form or Information.
This is followed up by inviting families to be involved in the day-to-day life of their children when they are at the centre.
Yes, families pay according to their CCS system. The Child Care Subsidy will be paid directly to providers to be passed on to families as a fee reduction. Families will make a co-contribution to their childcare fees and pay to the provider the difference between the fee charged and the subsidised amount. This cost may be waived if families are experiencing hardship.
Northern Territory Government Department of Education and Training
Our Men’s Behaviour Change Program is committed to ensuring the safety of women and children. This program addresses and aims to change the behaviour of men who perpetrate violence against their partners.
We provide a group work program that runs for 24 sessions. By working in a safe environment with skilled practitioners we can help individuals understand their behaviour, make different choices and live a non-abusive and non-violent life.
Individuals, family members and service providers including legal services, Corrections and others can refer people to this program.
For referrals or enquiries email:
No fee is charged
Territory Families
The Nauiyu Nambiyu (Daly River) Child Care Centre provides culturally appropriate education and care service. The Centre is dedicated to improving children’s early learning and wellbeing outcomes.
The Centre provides support for all families by caring for their children in a safe, supervised environment that supports development and education.
We provide education and care for non-school aged children from Nauiyu Nambiyu (Daly River) community. Child care activities focus on social, emotional and cultural development, as well as creative learning and early communication and language skills.
Yes, families pay according the CCS system according to income and activity hours. This cost may be waived if families are experiencing hardship.
Northern Territory Government Dept of Education and Training
NO MORE works with the community to reduce domestic and family violence across the Northern Territory. We do this through raising awareness of the issues of gender based violence and making social change by changing community attitudes and norms and promoting positive, equal and respectful relationships.
NO MORE aims to reduce the incidence of domestic and family violence through raising awareness and effecting social change.
NO MORE provides community information and education, group work and individual support to raise awareness and mobilise people and communities to decrease violence and increase women and children’s safety and wellbeing. We form strong collaborative relationships and work closely with sporting clubs, workplaces, community organisations, corrections, police and other community stakeholders to support community development initiatives in order to decrease the incidence and harm.
As a primary prevention program, NO MORE does not provide therapeutic interventions, instead provides referrals to relevant services such as counselling, men’s groups and therapeutic behaviour change groups.
We have NO MORE staff across the Northern Territory and a footprint in many remote communities. We also partner with individuals and organisations nationally and internationally to spread the NO MORE message.
To find out how we can LINK UP with you, your organisation or your community to reduce domestic and family violence in the Territory call or email us. You can also see what we have been doing with others and what resources are available to you on the NO MORE website and social media pages .
The majority of NO MORE’s work is free due to government funding, sponsorship and donations. You can donate to NO MORE through our website at
Australian Government Department of Social Services.
Territory Families
Our AOD programs help to reduce the harmful impacts of Alcohol and Other Drugs misuse
Get practical parenting advice, family support and build healthy relationships with your children
We are here to listen to you and help you through life when times get tough
We know that parenting can be hard and challenging. That’s why we run programs to help you develop skills to raise happy, healthy and resilient children.
Our programs help parents and families with babies and children in school.
We run different types of groups and programs to help parents in different stages of life. They focus on different areas of child development and parenting skills.
Here are some of the programs we run:
Tuning into Kids: Tuning into Kids is an emotion-focused parenting program. It provides parents and carers with skills to ‘tune in to’ their child’s emotions, while managing their own.
Circles of Security: This program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened.
Bringing up Great Kids: The more we understand our children the more we can help and support them. One of the ways we can do this is to think about memories of our own childhood and imagine the world from a child’s point of view.
123 Magic: This program is based on establishing the role of parenting consisting of three tasks – working with behaviours that are based on communication, encouraging good behaviours and strengthening the parent-child relationship.
This is a free service.
Australian Government Department of Social Services
We are here to listen to you and help you through life when times get tough
Our DFV programs range from prevention through to victim and perpetrator support, with the aim of keeping people safe and improving wellbeing
We can help you improve your financial situation, manage your money and build resilience
The Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS) is a program which employs local people to work with schools, families, parents and communities to ensure that children are supported to attend school in remote Indigenous communities.
The Remote School Attendance Strategy team works with students, parents and guardians, the school and with members of the wider community to encourage and achieve strong attendance outcomes.
The Remote School Attendance Strategy team offer transport for all students to school each morning. School Attendance Officers meet with families where attendance issues occur to develop individual tailored plans to encourage engagement back into school. The Remote School Attendance Strategy promote attendance at community events.
All students, parents and guardians are able to access support from the Remote School Attendance Strategy team.
This is a free service.
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
We can help to either establish or maintain a tenancy and strengthen social and community integration.
We can help you address mental health concerns, build resilience and strengthen relationships
The Community Connections Program supports people, living in Amata South Australia, whose independence and quality of life is at risk because they are disconnected from necessary support and face heightened vulnerability due to social isolation. It provides participants with supports to build their capacity to increase independence and to establish and connect with their own support networks and community.
People aged 18 to 64 years, or Aboriginal people 18 to 49 years, living in Amata who are not eligible for NDIS or aged care support, that are at greater risk of social isolation and disconnection from support.
The SA Commununity Connections program recognises and builds on clients’ existing strengths and abilities, helping people achieve their ideal standard of living and take greater control of managing their needs into the future.
This is a free service.
The SA Community Connections Program is funded by the Department of Human Services (DHS) on behalf of the Minister for Human Services.
CatholicCare NT provides Safe Houses for women and children who are at immediate risk of harm because of family violence.
Our Safe Houses provide an immediate safe place for people escaping family violence. We help families reduce the effects of violence through counselling and support. Our support workers encourage peaceful and non-harmful solutions.
We know that there are many contributing factors to family violence, so we provide referrals to other services including AOD and family support programs.
Northern Territory Government
Milikapiti Mobile: 0458 128 516
Nauiyu Mobile: 0428 896 931
Taking Action, Tackling Suicide (TATS Tiwi) is a community led approach that addresses suicide prevention, and social and emotional wellbeing (SEWB) Tiwi way for Tiwi people.
TATS facilitates Tiwi communities to have agency on preventing suicide that best meets the unique needs of the Tiwi context. This strengthens existing Tiwi leadership and governance. Suicide prevention requires an integrated response and TATS engages closely with various stakeholders to support Tiwi vision. Additionally, TATS prioritises engagement with Tiwi local services to support sustainability.
Contact the Wurrumiyanga Office
This is a free service
This program delivers sport and recreation activities developed in consultation with community, to the people of Tiwi Islands at least 5 days per week, including school holidays.
How we help
The Tiwi Islands Sports Program aims to increase community participation through sport and recreation activities and improve the health, wellbeing of children, young people and adults.
What is the referral process?
Individuals, family members and service providers can refer people to this program.
Is there a cost?
No fee is charged.
Funded by
National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)
Wulangurrumatu Early Learning Centre is located at Pirlangimpi at Melville Island. The centre is open from 8:00am – 4:00pm daily. We offer up to 15 children a day as our capacity. The centre provides culturally appropriate education and care environment that offers plenty of space for children to explore, discover, experiment in both natural and structural environment.
We have one large room in the centre with an area for babies, a quite book corner, a dinosaur area with wooden blocks, an area for creativity and other available resources of children choices. The areas are appropriately organised and with the intent to encourage children to explore their interests, curiosity and to encourage sharing and play together. We focus closely on children and their family’s needs by working together.
The outdoor play area offers plenty of shade for children to play in, we have swing and natural resources available for children to explore their physical environment.
We believe Play-based Learning is important to a child’s development of social and emotional skills, language development of Tiwi language and English, and supporting children’s ability to develop positive relationships with peers and positive role modelling from their Elders, Parents and Community.
The Centre provides support for all families by caring for their children in a safe, welcoming, stimulating, supporting and supervised environment that supports development and education.
By establishing mutually respectful partnerships between families and educators.
Following our orientation process families are encouraged to stay and ask questions about the centre or obtain any help that they may need with the enrolment form or Information.
This is followed up by inviting families to be involved in the day-to-day life of their children when they are at the centre.
Yes, families pay according to their CCS system. The Child Care Subsidy will be paid directly to providers to be passed on to families as a fee reduction. Families will make a co-contribution to their childcare fees and pay to the provider the difference between the fee charged and the subsidised amount. This cost may be waived if families are experiencing hardship.
Northern Territory Government Department of Education and Training
We help young people with severe mental health illness, aged 12 – 25 years.
We provide clinical, evidence-based counselling to support young people with complex mental health needs who live in the NT. We also assist families and carers to increase their knowledge and understanding of the challenges their young people are managing.
Individuals and service providers can make referrals to this program. Contact our Palmerston or Tennant Creek Office.
This is a free service.
We work in partnership with communities to deliver culturally appropriate programs and services
We can help you address mental health concerns, build resilience and strengthen relationships
Young people can be at risk of homelessness due to different circumstances. When this happens, they can need help with family life, school or employment. The youth outreach program works with young people to help them become healthy, happy and avoid homelessness.
Young people aged 12 to 18 years in Tennant Creek that are homeless or at risk of homelessness
We work with young people to address issues such as AOD misuse, family violence, mental health concerns and school non-attendance. We help them to strengthen family relationships and maintain stable accommodation. We help them to participate in education or employment.
This is a free service.
Northern Territory Government
We can help you address mental health concerns, build resilience and strengthen relationships
Youth programs provide support for at-risk young people and promote social and emotional wellbeing