The Community Connections Program supports people, living in Amata South Australia, whose independence and quality of life is at risk because they are disconnected from necessary support and face heightened vulnerability due to social isolation. It provides participants with supports to build their capacity to increase independence and to establish and connect with their own support networks and community.
Who we Help
People aged 18 to 64 years, or Aboriginal people 18 to 49 years, living in Amata who are not eligible for NDIS or aged care support, that are at greater risk of social isolation and disconnection from support.
How we help
The SA Commununity Connections program recognises and builds on clients’ existing strengths and abilities, helping people achieve their ideal standard of living and take greater control of managing their needs into the future.
Is there a cost?
This is a free service.
Funded by
The SA Community Connections Program is funded by the Department of Human Services (DHS) on behalf of the Minister for Human Services.