Fun activities and skill-building for young people in Tennant Creek
For the past four weeks about thirteen young males living in Tennant Creek have been learning horse riding and pastoral station skills as part of CatholicCare NT’s Youth in Communities Program.
The Program is designed to introduce young males (10 to 20 years) to skills that build on their capacity to become positive role models within their community.
Program Coordinator Youth in Community Sam Gubicak said the Program had been funded since July, 2014 by the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
As part of the program CatholicCare NT has teamed up with Kelly’s Ranch to teach general horse care, riding skills, as well as introducing the youth to leather work and station life.
“Cattle stations and farm life are not only important links to the past but to this day represent tangible employment and training opportunities for local young people,” said Dr Gubicak.
Since the Youth in Communities Program began a total of twenty-two youth have participated in a number of planned activities including station skills and bush trips as well as a youth art activity that was a collaboration between Northern Territory Police, Barkly Regional Council and CatholicCare NT.
For more information about the Program call CatholicCare NT on 8962 3065.
Media Contact: Nichole Taylor, Communication Manager CatholicCare NT on 0427 993 581